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Series: The Two Ways
May 23, 2021
Series: The Two Ways
Speaker: Kyle Sobus
Book: Matthew
Join us for the final week in our series on The Two Ways – Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. This week we review what we’ve learned in the series and now consider the role of temptation in the life of Jesus and in the life of believers today. Jesus faced 3 direct temptations from the evil one during a difficult earthly human moment; we look at each situation to see how He overcame the root of each temptation and responded with scripture. Ultimately, we can choose to obey the Father, or we can choose to provide for ourselves. One will lead to life, and the other will lead to death.
May 16, 2021
Series: The Two Ways
Speaker: Jack Terziu
Book: Matthew
Join us for week 3 in our 4 week series on The Two Ways – Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus deals gently with the outcast and the sinner but harshly with false prophets. Continuing last week’s message about the narrow gate and the narrow path, in this passage we consider the fruit that people bear and how it signals to us their heart, the path they choose to walk, and how they are leading others. As mature Christians, it is our responsibility to lead the next generation in knowing and recognizing sound doctrine and how to recognize false teachers and false prophets.
May 9, 2021
Series: The Two Ways
Speaker: Josh Gorman
Book: Matthew
Join us for week 2 in our 4 week series on The Two Ways – Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. This week we consider the two gates and the two paths. What are they and why is there a gate AND a path mentioned? They are connected. Jesus is the narrow gate, but you can’t enter through the narrow gate and walk the wide path. Listen to find out more! No one has ever stumbled into the kingdom, nor randomly fallen through the gate. Are you trusting God’s grace or are you trusting man’s works?
May 2, 2021
Series: The Two Ways
Speaker: Kyle Sobus, Zach Smith
Book: Matthew
Join us for week 1 of our 4 week series about The Two Ways – Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. It starts with blessing and ends with warnings of calamity. This week we are introduced to the series and look at the wise and foolish builders and the few and the many. There is only 1 way – we choose either the road that leads to life or the road that leads to destruction.