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Forge Road Bible Chapel is the continuation of a Christian Church that was established in 1943. Its original incorporators were Alfred S. Loizeaux, Stanley Loizeaux, Sidney H. Tinley, Jr., and Matthew Wilson. Alfred Loizeaux donated two lots on Goodview Road in the Hillendale neighborhood of Baltimore County, totaling 50 feet by 175 feet, on which stood a small building used for children’s meetings. The first name of the new organization was “The Hillendale Sunday School.” In 1952, a small chapel building was erected on the site.

This building served as the home of the Church until 1995. It was twice expanded, and two contiguous lots were added to it in 1960. The ministry expanded from a Sunday School to include teaching services for adults, and then full Church ministries.

The Church continued over the years, small in numbers but not in faith. It established many ministry traditions which have continued over the years, including a Vacation Bible School and an annual Family Retreat (first held on April 16 and 17, 1976).

By the early 1990s, Hillendale Bible Chapel (as it was then called) was steadily growing, and had overgrown the small facility on Goodview Road. In 1995, the Sunday Morning Services were moved to Pine Grove Middle School, with mid-week services continuing at the Goodview Road property. During this time, the Church aggressively sought for land on which to build a facility which could accommodate those attending, and which could serve the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Perry Hall area. Land on Forge Road was identified and purchased in 1999. Construction of the present building was begun in 2001 and finished in 2002. Services there began in July, 2002, and the building was dedicated on September 28, 2002.

We are thankful for the blessings of the Lord God over the years of ministry; and also for the work of so many faithful men and women. We look with confidence to the ministry before us, serving together, as we wait for the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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